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3D TV Service for 3DS Begins in Japan

by Andrew Brown and Matt Walker - June 19, 2011, 11:09 pm EDT
Total comments: 13 Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/2011/1..., (Nintendo Japan)

Fuji TV's video streaming content will commence tomorrow. 

Itsu no Ma ni Terebi, or "SpotPass TV", a new service for 3DS, will be launching tomorrow, June 21 in Japan, in accordance with the collaboration announcement given by Nintendo last September.

Working with popular network Fuji TV, 3DS owners will be able to watch several minutes of 3D footage from new, completely original series for free. Once enabled through SpotPass, episodes of each show will be automatically downloaded wirelessly to the 3DS every day.

The initial lineup of TV shows is as follows:

Scheduled Animals' Calendar: Meeting and learning about animals in 3D.
Suddenly, View Special Selected Tracks 3D: See what it's like from the driver's seat of trains in 3D.
3D Magic Classroom: A daily lesson in prestidigitation, shown in 3D.
Idling! 3D Sumo Place: Some kind of challenge activity show for upcoming idol girls. The first episode features sumo wrestling.
Pop Daily: A short form drama about four characters moving to an office job in the countryside. The show focuses on teaching people random factoids like popular phrases.
Forest of 3D Sculptures (Shown Monday-Friday): A tour of Japan's first outdoor museum, "Hakone Open Air Museum".
Enjoy! Sport (Shown Saturdays): A sport show featuring such events as volleyball, gymnastics, basketball and F1 racing in full 3D.

Fuji TV plans to expand the list of available shows in the near future.


OblivionJune 20, 2011

Now if this was in America (with shows actually worth watching), this'd be pretty cool.

BlackNMild2k1June 20, 2011

We will have Netflix. That is for more interesting that whatever that 3DS exclusive channel is.

Soon Netflix will launch it's 3D service, and all will be right in the world again. Don't worry.
Maybe even Hulu will get on board.... but probably not.

OblivionJune 20, 2011

I don't think we'll get 3D Netflix for a long time, seeing as we don't have a lot of 3D movies to even stream.

BlackNMild2k1June 20, 2011

40% of big budget movies over the last 2 years have had a 3D version.

A 3D Netflix might launch with a small selection, but i'd expect it to grow more and more every month.
It has to start somewhere. and the sooner the better. It's not like it will be a separate service that cost an extra fee, but expect a 3D interface and a handful of movies at launch. All other movies/tv they offer will still be available too.

CericJune 20, 2011

The biggest thing I can see holding 3D Netflix back is Studios and TV Providers wanting to put HUGE lag times on when they would show up on Netflix.  They have already done that with new releases.

BlackNMild2k1June 20, 2011

Actually, there have been more "new"-ish releases showing up on Streaming that before.

Mostly movies that are foreign or have under performed, but there are some known titles that are fairly recent showing up already. They aren't hitting streaming in the same month as DVD release, but they sometimes show up within a few months afterwards. It's not that bad really.

2 examples that I can think of off the top of my head are "I Saw The Devil" which hit streaming a few weeks after the DVD released and "Skyline" which hit DVD about 2 months ago is about to hit streaming next month.

CericJune 20, 2011

Quote from: BlackNMild2k1

Actually, there have been more "new"-ish releases showing up on Streaming that before.

Mostly movies that are foreign or have under performed, but there are some known titles that are fairly recent showing up already. They aren't hitting streaming in the same month as DVD release, but they sometimes show up within a few months afterwards. It's not that bad really.

2 examples that I can think of off the top of my head are "I Saw The Devil" which hit streaming a few weeks after the DVD released and "Skyline" which hit DVD about 2 months ago is about to hit streaming next month.

How long did those take to hit DVD?

BlackNMild2k1June 20, 2011

I'm not 100% sure. They are both 2010 movies and both hit DVD this year.

Skyline was pretty quick from theater to DVD, but I don't know when I Saw The Devil hit theaters since it's a foreign film.

But we are seeing studio films hit streaming a much faster rate than before.
Up until last year, I think the only studio films that hit streaming were atleast 4-5 years old.
Now there are some movies on my DVD list that I end up watching on streaming before I get around to watching on disc. That's a HUGE improvement.

I've sorta hijacked this thread into a Netflix thread. sorry about that. ;D
pre-post edit: after seeing that lineup.... I take that apology back and refer back to my 1st post in this thread. "We will have Netflix. That is for more interesting that whatever that 3DS exclusive channel is."

CericJune 20, 2011

I'm finding Series are getting up faster.  They just updated Shera again which in my Household is a godsend because I was tired of watching the same ~26 episodes my Son wanted to watch...  Know if only the update Spider-man and Iron Man.

BlackNMild2k1June 20, 2011

Marvel is getting/got a big content update. I haven't really looked to see what it was, but I know they had some "motion comics" put up if you're into that kinda thing.

CericJune 20, 2011

Quote from: BlackNMild2k1

Marvel is getting/got a big content update. I haven't really looked to see what it was, but I know they had some "motion comics" put up if you're into that kinda thing.

Hmmm.... They just got the Old Old Superman Cartoons up.  Which are good because of how musical they are.  Sound really is a lost art now days.

BlackNMild2k1June 20, 2011

Good news is that Netflix is coming to 3DS this summer
Reggie said it himself... it's not in 3D yet though.
but Reggie said there will be other "Nintendo curated content that they've helped finance" also soming this summer.

"There will be music videos. There will be 3D movie trailers. There will be Nintendo-curated content, things we believe are interesting that, candidly, we've helped finance. I am actively involved in all of that content identification. … It's going to be fun." That will launch in the summer, along with non-3D Netflix support.

CericJune 20, 2011

New Super Mario Bros Super  Show.  It will be a rapping good time... In 3D.

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