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MPAA Hires Former Nintendo Anti-Piracy Counsel

by Danny Bivens - May 23, 2012, 7:55 am EDT
Discuss in talkback! Source: http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entries/mpaa..., (TPM Livewire)

The Motion Picture Association of America snatches up a former Nintendo employee.

The Motion Picture Association of America has hired former Nintendo of America Anti-Piracy Counsel Marc Miller for the position of Senior Vice President of Content Protection, Internet. "At Nintendo, Miller successfully implemented content protection enforcement programs addressing P2P, cyberlockers, e-commerce, and action sites," the MPAA said in a statement sent to reporters.

Michael Robinson, Executive Vice President for Content Protection, and Miller’s new boss noted that, "Marc’s extensive background in the enforcement sector will be invaluable to further the MPAA’s global online content protection strategy. Our commitment to protecting legitimate enterprise remains top priority for the Association. We are thrilled to have Marc on board to strengthen our operations in over 27 countries worldwide, including Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific."

Before working for Nintendo, Miller worked as a lawyer for the United States Department of Justice, specializing in intellectual property issues.

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