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Two New DSi Colors Announced for North America

by Scott Thompson - August 2, 2012, 5:56 pm EDT
Total comments: 21 Source: http://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/23042580..., Nintendo of America Official Twitter Account

The little hardware revision that could gets a makeover.

Two new color variants of the DSi are coming to America.

From its official Twitter account, Nintendo of America tweeted a picture of the Matte Red and Matte Blue systems. Along with the picture, the company also indicated that the systems could arrive on store shelves "as early as this week."

This news comes just a few weeks ahead of the launch of the 3DS XL in America.


AVAugust 02, 2012

I might understand if they were good colors, but these are UGLY. I get nintendo wants to make tons of profit so introduce some colors but why these?

Loyb11August 02, 2012

I find it really confusing why someone would buy one of these when you can buy a 3DS or 3DS XL and play all of the same games on it.

Chozo GhostAugust 03, 2012

Quote from: Loyb11

I find it really confusing why someone would buy one of these when you can buy a 3DS or 3DS XL and play all of the same games on it.

You know that and I know that, but Nintendo doesn't want consumers to know that. I could understand it if we were talking about the DS Lite because with that you have the GBA slot and can play GBA games, but the DSi lacks that and has no advantage at all relative to the 3DS.... except maybe better battery life.

I don't think the DSi's battery life is any better than the 3DS's when playing DS games. There is literally no advantage, and it's only like a ~$40 difference, right? Probably a massive difference in the margins, though.

Chozo GhostAugust 03, 2012

I don't see how DSi sales at this point are beneficial to Nintendo. Sure, they make money off the hardware that's sold, but these sales are cannibalizing the sales of the 3DS. Someone who buys a DSi won't be able to buy the new 3DS software. Instead, they can only play old DS games which I'm sure Nintendo still makes money off of, but not much if these games are being bought used or at budget prices, which tends to be the case with older software.

It should be Nintendo's goal to move consumers towards buying 3DS software instead, because this is where they are going to be making the bulk of their handheld money in the next 5+ years. Selling the DSi might be profitable in the short term, but since it cuts into 3DS sales its a bad thing in the long run.

Nintendo lost a lot of money in the first quarter of the fiscal year, and this is an easy way to bring in profits. I don't think it will have as much of a negative impact on the 3DS as you do. I doubt people in the market for a DSi at this point were seriously considering buying a 3DS, and if they did I don't think they'd buy all that much 3DS software.

TJ SpykeAugust 03, 2012

Remember that 9 months after DS released, Nintendo released the GBA SP with brighter screens (AGS-101), the next month they released the Game Boy Micro (which had a really niche market, and they even removed GBC support on it and forced you to buy adapters to use your exiting GBA accessories).

oksodaScott Thompson, Associate EditorAugust 03, 2012

The real reason these are coming out? There's a new Pokemon game arriving in about two months. That will move these.

pololmejorAugust 03, 2012

Even the PS2 sells more than the DSi these days. haha I'm serious I've seen the charts, so why the hell bother on making a new DSi? I don't think there ugly though

Chozo GhostAugust 03, 2012

Quote from: oksoda

The real reason these are coming out? There's a new Pokemon game arriving in about two months. That will move these.

Isn't the DS market totally saturated? How many who are interested in Pokemon don't have a DS by now?

ThePermAugust 03, 2012

this is pointless. aren't 3ds available in red and blue already?

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorAugust 03, 2012

Can anyone explain why this is any worse than Nintendo continuing to ship DSi systems period?

Should Nintendo just discontinue the DSi/DSiXL at this point altogether?

Chocobo_RiderAugust 03, 2012

Quote from: UncleBob

Can anyone explain why this is any worse than Nintendo continuing to ship DSi systems period?

Should Nintendo just discontinue the DSi/DSiXL at this point altogether?

Seriously.  People talk as if releasing these colors somehow prevents people from buying other systems.  Like "oh well, I was going to buy a 3DS but now I guess I HAVE to buy this new DSi" ?!?!

With a lot of things (DLC, too-soon sequels that render last-year's versions obsolete), people like to say "if you don't want it, it's simple, don't buy it!"  But, they forget that if you don't opt-in, you miss out.  Here, there is no missing out! It's purely an option! So truly, if you don't want it, it's simple, don't buy it!

Plus, some people are always griping about more new colors for every system ever.  Well, here they are!

Chozo GhostAugust 03, 2012

Quote from: UncleBob

Can anyone explain why this is any worse than Nintendo continuing to ship DSi systems period?

I don't think anyone is saying that. I guess this just seems weird because it required a conscious effort on the part of Nintendo to introduce these new colors. Continuing to produce old hardware is one thing, but introducing a new variant of that old hardware is something else.

Quote from: UncleBob

Should Nintendo just discontinue the DSi/DSiXL at this point altogether?

I think a price drop may be in order. Where the DSi might have appeal over the 3DS is as a low price budget alternative. But if Insanolord is right and the DSi is only $40 cheaper that's not really much of a difference.

KlonoahedgehogAugust 03, 2012

..... :Q  Why would they do this? For one the 3DS already can play all the DS/DSi games and two:The 3DS came out with the exact same colors!

TJ SpykeAugust 03, 2012

Quote from: pololmejor

Even the PS2 sells more than the DSi these days.

I don't think we have US sales numbers, but in Japan the DS is still beating the PS2.

baba_944August 03, 2012

PS2 is discontinued. Last game was MLB2K12 

TJ SpykeAugust 04, 2012

Wrong, they still make PS2 systems.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorAugust 04, 2012

Also, isn't FIFA and something else due out for PS2 soon?

Chozo GhostAugust 04, 2012

Unlike the DSi there is a pretty valid reason for buying the PS2, thanks to Sony cutting the BC out of the PS3.

Mop it upAugust 04, 2012

These are what the 3DS XL should have looked like.

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