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Recently Released Tomodachi Collection for 3DS Tops Sales Charts in Japan

by Danny Bivens - April 25, 2013, 8:23 am EDT
Total comments: 1 Source: http://www.inside-games.jp/article/2013/04/25/6593..., Inside-Games

The latest 3DS life simulator is already doing pretty well for itself after only a few days on store shelves.

Tomodachi Collection: Shin Seikatsu (Friend Collection: New Life) for Nintendo 3DS sold 405,000 physical copies in just four days of being on the market. The sales numbers do not reflect digital sales.

Internally developed by Nintendo, Tomodachi Collection has players' Mii characters perform everyday tasks, make friends, get married, and just live another life.

Tomodachi Collection: Shin Seikatsu was released on April 18 in Japan for 4,800 yen. There are currently no plans to bring the game to the West.


esoteric30April 25, 2013

This game deserves a Western release.

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